Over many years I have developed thoughts on various subjects. Nothing unusual about that so have numerous people, many well-known and with more interesting thoughts than my simple ones. Now well into retirement age I wish to get these thoughts of my chest irrespective of any adverse comment. Attempts to create a website with a name involving ‘simple thoughts’ or similar were thwarted so I finished with an ‘acronym - Stoasm, which for me has become a word in its own right. I welcome viewers and helpful comments and perhaps honest less helpful ones.
English spelling is chaotic this a short outline of how we got here and my personal thoughts of how we could proceed.
There is creation as recorded in Genesis the first book of the Bible. Many believe it literally. Others using archaeological evidence which pointed to the earth being billions of years old and life’s long period of evolution discrediting the seven day creation story. They even imply from this that there is no God